Catwoman 38: “The Serpent”

In which things get noir as hell.
In the wake of Events in the last issue, Selina truly has descended, and this issue is her setting up a Hail Mary pass to do the right thing, about anything, and hoping she can remember the reasons she took on the job to begin with. Plus, we begin to realize she’s up against more than just Black Mask.
Here are the covers! Dig the sinister almost-alive cape on Batman in Jae Lee’s, and the adorable retro cover by Ty Templeton, in which Flash is preventing Catwoman from raining hurt on Robin (which seems rude, but maybe Robin was being horrible! It happened!).
This issue also saw some action, since in the last issue the only action was a single gunshot and the only wrestling was with feelings, and we were kind of overdue for a huge fight! Batman comes to stop the deal, only to run into Selina, who’s trying to stop the deal, and Catwoman, who’s…well.
The composition and colors in this panel could not make… Read more »