Miss Universe 2012

Every year, there are eleventy billion beauty pageants worldwide, all of which are amazing and unsettling in their own special ways. However, for sheer Essence of Pageant, I’m not sure you can beat the National Costume segment of Miss Universe.
I’ve enjoyed writing some of these costumes up for the past three years – in fact, I have probably enjoyed seeing them much more than many of these contestants have enjoyed wearing them.
And this year was no exception! Aside from the usual cadre of ladies who seem to have forgotten about the assignment until the morning of the parade (parade? contest? thing the pageant does just to make me happy?), and the perennial getups that are there are always yearly trends, like 2009’s Wide World of Foliage, or 2010’s Nonsense Capes, resurrected a little this year in what I’m sure is an amazing homage if you are in the loop on pageant stuff. “CLASSIC retro Nonsense Cape,” pageant people say back and forth very seriously.
What are this year’s trends? Let’s take a journey.… Read more »