Another Year

You know it’s been A Year when the thing you remember most is Story Land, which felt like two years ago until you looked up the thread about it and realized it was only a handful of months ago that you first went to the only currently-operating haunted theme park in the States.
It’s called Story Land, and its champion is Humpty Dumpty, the only currently-operating theme park mascot with a human soul trapped in it
— Genevieve Valentine (@GLValentine) September 4, 2018
But Story Land wasn’t the only good thing that happened this year. There was also Face Jug! (2018 was eight years long; I’ll take joy where I can find it.)
I wrote quite a bit this year, and did work on several projects, but that’s a post for future me. Here are some things I published this year.
“Abandonware,” about despair, video games, and deer, was published at Lightspeed.
Mozilla’s IRL podcast asked me to write a story about what I saw as the future of elections. If… Read more »