“The Insects of Love”

It’s alive! “The Insects of Love,” a story about sisterhood, stars, and the entomology of space-time, is available now from Tor.com. (The gorgeous cover art is the work of Tran Nguyen, who won the Spectrum for it! Clearly I’m a biased vote, but I’m so excited for her well-deserved Gold.)
Before Fairuz got the tattoo, I’d never even heard of the beetles.
I just knew that the tattoo she wanted was enormous, and that it would take all night, and even as I agreed to come with her I said, “This is a bad idea.”
“Good,” she said, and hit the gas.
I expected some shithole off the main drag, the kind of place Fairuz would go to make a point. But it was clean as a dentist’s office, and they gave us paper caps and told us to watch what we touched.
Inside was even cleaner, and the man waiting for us was in a work suit that zipped up to his neck.
“Lie down,” he said, turning on the projector.
As Fairuz pulled… Read more »